1st Year Important Long Questions (2024 Exams)

  1. Describe role of biology in the production of food.
  2. Define the following branches of Biology.

(i) Molecular Biology (ii) Microbiology (iii) Parasitology (iv) Biotechnology

  • Discuss the role of Biology in the Protection and conservation of the Environment.
  • Describe the Secondary and tertiary Structure of Protein.
  • Describe the biological properties and importance of water?
  • Write a detailed note on monosaccharides?
  • What a note on acylglycerols including fatty acids?
  • Define inhibitors. Write their types?
  • Describe factors affecting enzyme activity in detail?
  • Define inhibitors. Write their types?
  • Describe factors affecting enzyme activity in detail?
  • What are lysosomes? Explain their phagocytic role with the help of diagram?
  • Write a note on Ribosomes?
  • Write a note on the endoplasmic reticulum?
  • What are plastids? Explain the structure and function of chloroplast?
  • Describe structure and functions of cell membrane?
  • Give comparison between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell?
  • Explain five kingdom system of classification?
  • What are retroviruses? Discuss.
  • What are viruses? Give their three characteristics?
  • Write a note on small-pox and polio?
  • Explain the structure of bacteriophage?
  • What are retroviruses? Discuss.
  • Differentiate between gram positive and gram negative bacteria?
  • Write down the different taxonomic groups of bacteria on the basis of pattern of flagella?
  • Give economic importance of Cyanobacteria?
  • Classify bacteria with reference to presence of flagella?
  • Give economic importance of Cyanobacteria?
  • Discuss the process of nutrition in bacteria?
  • Discuss any four types of Algae?
  • Discuss any four types of Protozoa?
  • With the help of a diagram discuss the life cycle rhizophus?
  • Give general characters of Group Basidiomycota?
  • Write down economic losses due to fungi?
  • Describe loose smut of wheat in detail?
  • Describe different methods of asexual reproduction in fungi?
  • Give general characters of Group Basidiomycota?
  • Describe, with examples, different ways in which fungi are useful to humans?
  • Write down economic losses due to fungi?
  • Describe the differentiation between monocotyledon and dicotyledonous plants (any four differences)?
  • Give detailed life cycle of adiantum and sketch it?
  • Describe vegetative and floral characters of Rose family (Rosacea)?
  • Define angiosperms. Explain double fertilization in angiosperms. How angiosperms differ from gymnosperms?
  • Discuss the life cycle of an angiosperm plant?
  • Explain the floral characters of family Solanacea?
  • Describe vegetative and floral characters of Rose family (Rosacea)?
  • Discuss the life cycle of an angiosperm plant?
  • Write down different characters of birds?
  • Give the characteristic features of Amphibians?
  • Give the characteristic features of Amphibians?
  • Give general characteristics of phylum Porifera?
  • Explain the economic importance of insects?
  • Give the characteristic features of Amphibians?
  • Explain the economic importance of insects?
  • Explain “Respiratory Electron Transport Chain” with the help of diagram (sketch)?
  • What is oxidative phosphorylation? Discuss.
  • What is anaerobic respiration? Discuss its types.
  • Write a note on lactic acid fermentation?
  • What is glycolysis? Give its outline (sketch)?
  • What is anaerobic respiration? Discuss its types.
  • What is photophosphorylation? Explain non-cyclic photophosphorylation.
  • Describe the process of glycolysis?
  • Discuss process of absorption in large intestine?
  • Describe parasitic and symbiotic nutrition in plants?
  • Write a note on digestion in amoeba (with diagram)?
  • Explain the structure and function of Large Intestine in Man?
  • Give the role of large intestine in human beings?
  • Write a note on digestion in amoeba (with diagram)?
  • Explain transportation of oxygen in man?
  • Describe transport of CO2 in humans?
  • Describe transport of in humans?
  • What factors are involved in the exchange of respiratory gases in the capillaries of alveoli?
  • Explain transportation of oxygen in man?
  • Describe gaseous exchange in plants?
  • Compare closed and open circulatory systems?
  •  Describe the composition of blood plasma?
  • Describe cohesion tension theory and root pressure theory of ascent of sap?
  • Explain uptake of water by roots. Give different pathways taken up by water?
  • Give any eight functions of blood?
  • Define immunity. Describe various types of immunity?

1st Year Test Papers of Biology

1st Year Important Short Questions (2024 Exams)


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