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Important short questions of Chemistry 2nd Year

Important short questions of Chemistry 2nd Year

Important short questions of Chemistry 2nd Year are available here. AQ Academy presents guaranteed successful help in this critical situation for the students of Covid-19 to prepare themselves.

Important short questions of chemistry 2nd year

  1. How nitrous acid reacts with CO(NH2)2 and C6H5NH2?
  2. Write down the equation for the reaction between conc. H2SO4 and copper and explain what type of reaction is it.
  3. Write formulas of two oxides of Bromine?
  4. Why the oxyacids of chlorine are stronger than oxyacid’s of bromine?       
  5. What is the cause of paramagnetic behavior?
  6. What do you know about cracking of petroleum? Explain.
  7. What is catalytic hydrogenation? Give an example.
  8. Write two identification tests of alkenes.
  9. Write down the structural formulas of. (a) Naphthalene (b) Phenanthlene
  10. How will you prepare o-nitro toluene from benzene in two steps?
  11. Write down the structural formula of the following.(a) Acetic Anhydride.
  12. Write down two important law materials used for the manufacture of cement.
  13. Hydration energy depends on the charge density of ion. Justify the statement.
  14. Aluminum is not found in free state give reason.
  15. Write four use of HNO3?
  16. When does sp-hybridization occur? 
  17. What are the conditions for cis-trans isomerism?
  18. What is Raney–Nickel? Where it is used? 
  19. Write structural formulas of biphenyl and diphenyl methane.
  20. Convert the ptane into toluene?
  21. What happens when benzene is oxidized with ozone?
  22. How para-chloronitro benzene is prepared from benzene in two Steps.
  23. What is leaving group and substrate?
  24.  How will you distinguish between methanol and ethanol?
  25. Write down formulas of. (i) Kaolin (Pottery olay) (ii) Zircon
  26. Write the reaction of Borax with H2SO4?
  27. Why vital force theory was rejected?
  28. How will you convert 1-Butene to 1-Butyne?.
  29. How does alkyl halide react with sodium lead alloy?
  30. Write two uses each for methanol and ethanol.
  31. Write structural formulas of these compounds:
  32. Describe mechanism of aldol condensation.
  33. How Portland cement is made? Why gypsum is added in the cement?
  34. Why oxidation number of noble gases is usually zero?
  35. Complete and balance the following equation: (i) H2S+NO→ (ii) NO2+H2O→
  36. What is tin plating?(v) Define catenation.
  37. Write down mechanism for the Kolbe’s electrolytic method for the preparation of alkanes.
  38. Prepare Cis and Trans alkenes from Alkyne along with chemical equation.
  39. Compare the physical properties of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.
  40. What happens when benzene is heated with conc. H2SO4 at 80 C?
  41. Write down the structural formulae of lactic acid and glycerol.
  42. Give any four uses of methyl alcohol.
  43. Why Ammonium Nitrate is not added to the crop of Paddy rice?
  44. Write chemical formula of: (i) Carnal lite (ii) Borax.
  45. Per chloric acid is considered as a valuable analytical reagent. Why?
  46. Define corrosion?
  47. Write down chemical equation for the preparation of propene from H3C − CH2 − CH2 − OH.
  48. Define Resonance Energy. Give Resonance energy of Benzene.
  49. What is Wurtz-Fitting reaction?
  50. Benzene can be prepared commercially from acetylene. Give reaction with conditions.

Important short questions of chemistry 2nd year 2023

  1. How Hexane and Heptane can give Benzene and Toluene respectively?
  2. Define alkyl halide. Which is the best method of preparing alkyl halides?
  3. Give only mechanism for SN2 reactions.
  4. How HCHO and CH3CHO are polymerized? Give chemical reaction?
  5. What is meant by Cis and trans Isomers?
  6. Write down structural formula of vinyl chloride and vinyl cyanide.
  7. Give four uses of methane?
  8. Give the mechanism of Nitration of benzene.
  9. Write the structural formulas of these compounds: (i) Phthalic acid (ii) Acetic anhydride
  10. Draw the structures of valeric acid phthalic acid.
  11. What are fatty acids? Give an example.
  12. Write reaction of Acetic acid with HI.
  13. Give any two resemblances of hydrogen with Group IV-A
  14. Write down the chemical formulae of minerals. (a) Kaolin (b) Cryolite
  15. How and under what conditions does aluminium react with oxygen and hydrogen?
  16. How NO2 is prepared from? (a) Pb (NO3)2 (b) Cu and HNO3
  17. Complete and balance the equations: (a) FeSO + N ⟶ (b) 4(aq) Og NO + Cl2 ⟶
  18. Describe H-Bonding in HF molecule?
  19. Write a note on the acidity of ethyne.
  20. Write down the formula of Aniline and Benz aldehyde.
  21. Define Resonance Energy. Give Resonance energy of Benzene.
  22. Give Dow’s method for the preparation of phenol.
  23. What are formulas of hydroxylamine and phenyl hydrazine.
  24. Write the names of those weak oxidizing agents, which can oxidize Aldehyde but not the Ketone?
  25. Write down chemical formulae of minerals.(i) Emerald (ii) Gibbsite
  26. Give balanced equations to represent the following reactions:(a) Borax is heated with CaO (b) Al2 O3 is heated with NaOH solution
  27. What happens when I2O5 reacts with carbon monoxide?
  28. What is Raney–Nickel? Where it is used?
  29. How will you prepare ethyl alcohol and ethylene epoxide from ethene?
  30. Write name of any four ortho-para directing groups?
  31. What is Methylated spirit? (ix) What is Lucas test?
  32. Write the reaction of phenol with methanal.
  33. How will you distinguish between ethanal and Propanone?
  34. How acetone is oxidized with K2Cr2O7/H2SO4
  35. What is meant by shielding effect?
  36. How will you distinguish between ethanol and propanol?
  37. How does aluminum react with conc. HCl and H2SO4?
  38. Give trend of melting and boiling points in transition elements?
  39. Why are alkynes less reactive than alkenes towards electrophilic reagents?
  40. How will you distinguish between 1-propanol and 2-propanol?
  41. Prepare bakelite from phenol?
  42. How HCHO and CH3CHO are polymerized? Give chemical reaction?
  43. How acetic acid is prepared by the oxidative cleavage of 2-butene?
  44. In what respects, carbon behaves differently from other members of group IV-A?
  45. Give names and formulas of oxyacids of phosphorous.
  46. Write formulas of two oxides of Bromine?
  47. How is the Halogen acid ionized in water?
  48. Write two objections that were raised on Kekule’s structure for benzene molecule.
  49.  Describe the structure of Benzene on the basis of Resonance.
  50.  What happens when ethyl alcohol reacts with thionyl chloride and Ammonia also mention reaction conditions?

important short questions of chemistry 2nd year 

  1. How phenol can be converted into Benzene?
  2. What is Cannizzaro’s reaction? Write one example.
  3.  Prepare following compounds from acetaldehyde. a) Lactic acid b) Acetic acid
  4. Why boiling point of carboxylic acid is relatively high?
  5.  What are periods and groups?
  6. Give formulas of (i) Natron (ii) Halite.
  7. Write down formulas of. (i) Kaolin (Pottery olay) (ii) Zircon
  8. What are uses of Boric acid?(vi) Write down the structural formulas of: (i) Nitrous Acid (HNO2) (ii) Nitric Acid (HNO2)
  9. Write the structural formulas of the two possible isomers of C4H10.
  10. How formaldehyde is prepared in laboratory?
  11. Give the mechanism of addition of HCN to Acetone.
  12. How acetic acid is prepared by the oxidative cleavage of 2-butene?
  13. Write down mechanism of the reaction of SOCl2 with acetic acid?
  14. Ionization energy increases from left to right in a period? Justify the statement.
  15.  Give any two resemblances of hydrogen with Group IV-A
  16. Give formulas of the given minerals: a) Phosphorite b) Chile salt petre
  17. Write two reactions for the preparation of dinitrogen oxide.
  18. Complete and balance the chamical equation: H2S + NO →
  19. Write four properties of hydrogen fluoride?
  20. How bleaching powder is prepared by Hasenclever’smethod?
  21. How will you synthesize acetaldehyde starting from ethyne.
  22. Prove that benzene has cyclic structure?
  23. Write two precipitation reactions of sulphuric acid.
  24. Why SO3 gas is dissolved in H2SO4 but not in water in contact process.
  25. Which halogen sublimes as violet a pours?
  26. Write the structural formulas of the two possible isomers of C4H10.
  27. How methane is converted to formic acid.
  28.  Write down mechanism for the Kolbe’s electrolytic method for the preparation of alkanes.
  29. How non–polarity of alkanes is related to their unreactivity?
  30. How does alkyl halide react with sodium lead alloy?
  31. Convert methanol to ethanol.
  32. Why Tollen’s test is also called silver mirror test?
  33. How will you prepare Borax from colemanite and Boric acid?
  34. Mention any four uses of Sulphuric Acid.
  35. What is Baeyer’s test?
  36. How ethyne reacts with ammonical silver nitrate?
  37. Give two addition reactions of benzene.
  38. Complete the following reaction: a) CH3CH2Br + CH3O ⟶ b) 0 CH3CH2Br + CH3COONa ⟶
  39. Prepare the following compounds from phenol: i) 2,4,6-Trinitro phenol ii) Benzene
  40. Describe method for preparation of phenol from sodium salt of benzene sulphonic acid.
  41. How Iodoform is prepared from acetaldehyde and ethyl alcohol.
  42. How acetic acid is prepared by the oxidation of ethyl alcohol?
  43. Why 1 electron affinity is negative and 2 is positive?
  44. Define hydration energy with an example?
  45. How hydration energy decreases in a group and increase in a period of periodic table?
  46. What are monocyclic and Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
  47. How wood-spirit is prepared from water gas.
  48. How will you distinguish between methanol and ethanol?
  49. What is sodium Nitroprusside Test?

Important short questions of Chemistry 2nd Year 2022

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