The Human Rights Violations of the 9/11 Era Are Still With Us.



Then public opinion on War on Terror changed. The local bill for the protection of rights has begun to lay the foundations for a community policy that would condemn more than 400 communities in the Native American Act. All of them that made war grew: massacres; rampant ethnic, ethnic and religious profiling; The FBI is seeking “voluntary” conversations with young Muslims, South Asians and Arabs; the secret “black sites” suspected by the CIA are gone; suspicious sales torture in the countries that tortured us. Each revelation helped to counter the groundbreaking work of the terrorist war against the organization. When photos of Abu Ghraib came to light in April 2004, the US collective conscience began to wane. The big trend came in December 2004, when the ACLU began disclosing documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) explaining its widespread use. and torture. Finally, he essentially concentrated the content of the debates into some remarkable abuses.

While Congress was disappointed and the Bush administration took the country to war, civil society and the Senate played a major role in defending our democracy. In the early days of 9/11, the ACLU seized the FOIA strongly – seeking to release government documents on all issues from torture to prisons to racial profiling. The “X-ray Democracy” FOIA was used to extract secret information from the government, which would obscure how it would wage its War on Terror. Fortunately, we brought together one of the first legal protests for the Patriot Act for a group of copiers.

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