Aristotle’s Poetics theory of tragedy

Aristotle Life

The Greek word “Catharsis”, carries different meanings. It stands for purgation, purification and clarification. Aristotle has used the word only once. Aristotle’s Poetics theory of tragedy writes that the function of tragedy is to arouse the emotions of pity and fear, and in this way to effect the catharsis of emotions. The word has provoked much controversy among the critics, as what exactly the great critic (Aristotle) mean by it. The disagreements of the emotions of pity and fear gives pleasure either through purgation, or purification, or clarification. However, to reach a convincible conclusions a critical analysis of the above mentioned three possible theories is desirable.

Aristotle Famous writing

Regarding the purgation theory, it is held that catharsis is a medical metaphor. It denoting (indicate) a pathological effect on the social equivalent to the effect of medicines on the body. The tragic scenes and rights stir and excite pity and fear which later on expelled through the study of disease catharsis as an educative and controlling process. Therefore, catharsis implies purification of excessive, defective morbid (disease) emotions, and their reduction to intermediate state.

Aristotle Biography

It also implies that emotions are trained and directed towards the right objects at the right time. Accordingly, these who undergo this experience are made virtuous and good. Catharsis, in this sense, is kind of moral conditioning. Butchers holds similarly opinion when he observes that the tragic catharsis involves not only the idea of emotional releif but the further idea of purifying the emotions so relieved.

Theory of Tragedy

It also implies that emotions are trained and directed towards the right objects at the right time. Accordingly, these who undergo this experience are made virtuous and good. Catharsis, in this sense, is kind of moral conditioning. Butchers holds similarly opinion when he observes that the tragic catharsis involves not only the idea of emotional relief but the further idea of purifying the emotions.

Concept of Catharsis

Aristotle’s Poetics theory of tragedy


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