B.A English One Act Play Notes Punjab University

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B.A English One Act Play Notes Punjab University

The Bear composed by Anton Chekhov

The Boy Comes Home composed by A.A.Milne

Somethings to Talk about composed by Eden Phillpotts

Smoke Screen composed by Harold Brigouse


Q: 1 Discuss the title of the play “The Bear”.

  • Why does Popova call Smirnow “The bear” 2005-2012

Ans: Bear is a beast who is very clever and has a variety of moods in catching his prey. Sometimes he becomes very innocent to deceive his prey, and sometimes he becomes very aggressive to gain his goal. Smirnov, the hero of the play “The Bear” is a retired military officer. He is a landlord. He has lent some money to Popova’s late husband. He has come to take his money. Popova tells him that she is in mourning and her Steward has also gone away. She cannot pay him money, Smirnov is in a dire need of money. He has to pay interest on a mortgage tomorrow. He asks Popova to pay him the money. She does not take interest in this matter.

During the hot exchange of dialogues, Popova says to Smimov, “You’re a boor! A course bear! A Bourbon! A monster!” In Popova’s opinion, the attitude of Smirnov is rude. That is why; she gives him the title of bear. Smirnov raises a lot of noise, jumps up and down and speaks in a loud and angry voice. Popova expresses her displeasure and calls him silly, rude and ill bred.

The behaviours of Smirnov is not apt. It is true that he is rude to Popova. He is the central figure in the play. His actions and dialogues make the play comic, so, the title should be according to his role in the play.

Smirnov is very obstinate person. It is his obstinacy and rudeness that makes him a bear. He has also a variety of moods like a bear. First he appears to be very aggressive, then very obstinate, and at the end he become innocent and miserable. At last, he gets his goal. His goal was to get Popova as his wife. It is now obvious that the title of this play is quite appropriate justified.

Conclusion: The title of the play, “The Bear” is ironical. Irony means difference between appearance and reality. The word ‘bear’ is an abusive word which Popova has used to denote the rough and ill-bred personality of Smirnov. Apparently, Popova has announced Smirnov, a bear, while in the play she accepts him as her future husband.

Q: 2 Discuss the play “The Bear” as a light social comedy.

  • What is the basic theme of the play “The Bear”2011
  • The play starts in a tragic situation, passes through a quarrel and ends in a comedy?

Ans: Comedy is a play, in which the writer exposes, the social evils of the people like pretension and hypocrisy. The characters of a comedy are also not serious. They have variety in their moods.

(1)Popova is a beautiful young widow. Her husband has died seven month ago. She outwardly shows her grief to others by wearing black dress and remaining in the four walls of her house. She lives in darkness even, during the day time. When Luka advises her to give up her mourning. She says; My life is already at an end. He is in his grave, and I have buried myself between four walls…. We are both dead.

This is, however. All affectation, pretension and hypocrisy. When Smirnov comes. She hates him. She does not like his rude attitude and calls him a bear. At the end of the play, we see there comes a sudden change when she responds Smirnov’s love. She lets him kiss and embrace. The reader laughs to see different moods of Popova in different situation.

(2)Smirnov, the hero of the play also become a laughing stock because of his variety of moods. In the start of the play, he is very aggressive and in angry mood. Even he criticizes Popova’s mourning. Smirnov raises a lot of noise, jumps up and down and speaks in a loud and angry voice. Popova expresses her displeasure and calls him silly, rude and ill-bred. At the end of the play he becomes very humble and a miserable character. The writer of this one act play has exposed the pretension and hypocrisy of the people of his age with the help of Popova and Smirnov.

Conclusion: The play starts in a tragic situation, passes through a quarrel and ends in a quarrel. The writer has observed the three unities of time. Place and action.

Q: 3 Is Popova a paradoxical character? 2008

  • Is Popova sincere in her love for her late husband? 2005
  • Discuss Popova’s display of her love for her husband.
  • Discuss Popova as an unreal and fake and prude. 2007

Ans: Popova is the central character of the play “The Bear’. She is a young Russian widow. Her husband has died seven months ago. She is in mourning dress. She has decided to remain within the four walls of her house. She says that she will remain true and faithful to her late husband till her last breath. When Luka, her old servant advises her to adopt normal ways of life. She tells him “My love will die out with me”. Luka advises her to enjoy life. His advice fell flat on her. She tells him, “My life is already at an end. He is in his grave, and I have buried myself between four walls. We are both dead”.

She seems to be very true and constant in her love for her husband. She says;

“Let his ghost see who well, I love him”.

There is contrast between Popova’s words and her actions. She taunts Simirov of being rude, ill-bred and indecent of language. Soon after that she herself start using abusive language. In her fit of rage, she forgets all manners and decency.

Hypocrisy means pretend to be what actually we are not. Popova is the best example of hypocrisy. She is an unreal and paradoxical character. She makes a mere show as a mourner after the death of her husband. When Smirnov comes and expresses his love to her face. She forgets everything and lets him kiss and embrace.

Popova is the best example of hypocrisy. She is an unreal and fake prude who makes a mere show as a mourner after the death of her husband. Inwardly, she needs someone who may loves her.

Conclusion: In short, Popova stands for those women who claim to be sincere and loyal but inwardly they are weak and frail in their actions. So, she represents hypocrisy and affectation.

Q: 4 What is a farce? Discuss the play “The Bear” as a farce?

Ans: “The Bear” is a farcical! Comedy. In a farce, the action develops through unpredictable characters, violent situations and sudden changes in the main characters. In “The Bear”, there are two main ‘Smirnov’ and ‘Popova’. They make us laugh with their extraordinary thinking and the foolish behavior.

Smirnov raises a lot of noise, jumps up and down and speaks in a loud and angry voice. Popova exposes her displeasure and calls him silly, rude bear and ill-bred.

The situation becomes violent when they challenge each other to fight a duel. It looks very funny, when Popova declares that she does not now, how to fire a pistol? Smirnov offers his services to teach her the art of firing a pistol. But suddenly, they fall in love with each other. This makes the audience fully pleased and excited.

The Bear’ is a play which can be rightly called a farce. In a farcical comedy, the events, drogues, attitudes and behaviours are comic to the extent of absurdity. In this play we, find all these elements. The presentation of the theme and action, the development of the characters and funny situations, make the play very interesting. One cannot hold oneself serious, while reading this play.

Conclusion: The play ‘The Bear’ can rightly be called a farce because here some situations are ridiculous and comic to the extent of absurdity. Both the main characters contribute to make the play a farcial comedy.


                                2. The Boys Comes Home

Q: 1 What is the significance or importance of the dream scene in the play “The Boy Comes Home”. Dream Scene 2011-13

  • How does Philip succeed in bringing Uncle James round to his view point?
  • Apparently James seems to be a lion but in reality he is a jack in the garb of a lion?
  • Write a detailed note on the nature of conflict between Philip and James? How was the dispute between Philip and James resolved? 2009
  • Uncle James’ dream helped him perceive reality. Discuss in the light of “The Boy Comes Home”? 2014

Ans: “The Boy comes Home is a laughter provoking and humorous play. It is witty throughout. The chief source wit and amusement is Philip. We enjoy his remarks and dialogues.

Uncle James is sitting on the stage. He is waiting for Philip to discuss with him his future career. There he begins to nod and falls in a dream. The dream scene has a great importance in the play, because Uncle James comes to realize about the maturity of Philip only in the dream seen. In the dream Uncle James objects Philips unpunctuality and smoking without the permission of his aunt, Emily. Philip the young man reacts sharply against the authoritative of his uncle.

He demands from his uncle the money his late father has left for him. Uncle James refuses to do so and says, until he reaches the age of twenty five, according to the terms of his father, he cannot get the money left by his father. At this Philip gets angry. He takes out his loaded revolver to put down the force of money by the physical force. His attitude is very aggressive. He tells his uncle that he has killed twenty German with this pistol. He also takes out bomb from his pocket to threaten his uncle. Uncle James terrifies and collapses.

Conclusion: In short, through dream scene the real personality of James comes to surface. After this he is a very changed person. In fact, their conflict is resolve ugh this dream. It successfully highlights that old and the young should co-operate with each other’s. The elders should not impose their decisions and ideas on the youngsters. Apparently James seems to be a lion but in reality he is a jackal in the garb of a lion.


Q: 2 The play “The Boy Comes Home” throws light on the generation gap. Discuss. 2077-2008

Ans: Generation gap is a popular term used to describe wide differences in cultural norms and views between members of a younger generation and their elders. This occurs in when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behaviors.

  1. Philip is a young man of twenty three years. He has come back in his uncle’s house after serving the army for four years. Before going to the army, he was immature young man but now there is a great change in his personality and manners. He has become a mature young man. He represents the young generation, who does not want to spend life as the elders spent. As a young man, he is careless and lazy. He has no regards to the rules and regulations of the house. He gets up late and takes his breakfast against proper time table. He also smokes even in his uncle’s presence.
  2. Uncle James represents the old generation which is very strict and disciplined. He represents the experienced and mature old persons who do not bear the lazy and careless manners of the young generation. Both Philip and Uncle James are right in their opinions and behaviors because the young blood is entirely different from the old one in all times.

Conclusion: We should bridge the generation gap between old people like James and young people like Philip. It should be done democratically through open discussion.


Q: 3 Discuss the play “The Boy Comes Home” as a light comedy?

  • Discuss the comic elements in the play.

Ans: “The Boy comes Home” is a laughter provoking and humorous play. It is witty throughout. The chief source of wit and amusement is Philip. We enjoy his remarks and dialogues. There are some comic situations and dialogue that make this play a comedy.

(1)Philip the young nephew of Uncle James is not ready to obey any old rules. He says,

“Before I went away to the war, I did a lot of silly things. Do not drag them up now”.

Philip calls the hard and fast rules and strict discipline a very silly thing.

(2) The behaviour of the maid servant Mary is also very comic. When Philip demands breakfast at 10am. She is not ready to bring breakfast. Mary tries to frighten Philip and says;

“I am sure. I don’t know what Mrs. Higgins will say”?

She starts repeating this sentence. Repetition of the sentence creates a lot of humor.

(3) Uncle James tells about his sacrifices in a very comic way. When he says that he has done his part for the country by giving his nephew to the country, by suffering the shortage of potatoes and by paying the excess profit tax.

(4) In the dream scene, we see a very funny situation when Philip brings out pistol and bomb from his pocket to threat his authoritative uncle. The old villain begs mercy for his life. He shudders and falls down.

(5) The funniest situation arises when James bows on his knees to appeal Philip for mercy. James submits to his defeat and fails to decide whether it was a dream or a reality.

Conclusion: The play is amusing and witty throughout. The end satisfies our wishes. The hero defeats the villain. It is a light comedy. It is full of wit and humor. It has conflict and climax.


Q: 4 Do you agree with the ending of the play “The boy comes home”? 2007

Ans: “The Boy Comes Home” has been described as a light comedy full of with and amusement. There are certain tragic situations but the happy ending the play saves it from becoming a tragedy. Philip and James are two contradictory characters.  

Philip is a man of strong determination and has a power of decision. When Philip signs a cheque and asks Mr. Higgins to leave the house she obeys. The most fun situation arises when James bows on his knees to appeal Philip for mercy. James submits to his defeat and fails to decide whether it was a dream or a reality.

The writer directs his satire against the rigidity and arrogance of James. When his nephew takes out the pistol and his uncle begs for apology, the whole situation is full of mirth and amusement. The ending of the play is right and justified. Philip is shown victorious in the end and James is defeated. There is poetic justice in the end. The bully James comes to be a coward. His so called bravery, discipline and his greedy and disrespectful nature all are exposed to ridicule. He brings defeat and humiliations because of his short-sightedness.

Conclusion: The interest of the play hinges briskly dialogues and a well-conceived and well-wrought plot. The play is doubtlessly, a powerful expression of Milne’s dramatic skill and potential. There are no digression to dilute the action and character delineation too, is superb.


Q: 5 Write a short note on the character of Uncle James. What does he symbolize? 2009

  • Point out the chief traits of the personality of Mr. James?

Ansa: Mr. James is the second important character of the play ‘The Boy Comes Home by A.A Milne. He plays an important role in the story of the play as well as its theme. The writer has made him a true representative of the old generation in every society. Uncle James is a dry and strict person. He takes breakfast at 8 am. He does not allow anyone to go against it. He dislikes Philip’s carefree life. He objects to his getting up late and smoking in the house.

James is another character after Philip who dominates the play. He Philip’s real uncle. After the death of his brother, he becomes Philip’s guardian. He is big man. He is dull and unimpressive in his appearance. However, he stands for old values and tradition of life. He is strict business man.

James is very authoritative in his attitude. He does not tolerate dis-obedience from any person. All the servants are afraid of him. He tries to this authority against Philip also.

Uncle James shows off his powers and authority over his subordinates. But in fact, he is a coward at heart. During his arguments with Philip in dream, first he tries to frighten him but when Philips takes out a revolver and aims at him he immediately surrenders and agrees to his terms and conditions.

Conclusion: He plays the role of a villain. By nature, he is a dictator. He acts against the Law of Nature. He does not want any change in the affairs of life. That is why he faces defeat at the hands of Philip, the hero for whom he is acting as a guardian.


Q: 6 How does Philip prove himself a mature and responsible man. 2011

Ans: Philip proves himself a mature and responsible man by doing many brave actions. We know that he has just returned from his 4 year military tenure to the house of his childless uncle James and Aunt Emily. There he finds everything done punctually and regularly by his uncle’s manner of administration.

Firstly, Philip’ looks like a mature and responsible man when he does not even think of consulting his uncle and orders the housemaid, Mary, to bring his breakfast of coffee, eggs and ham even though there is no provision in his uncle’s rules to allow anybody have breakfast after the scheduled time of 8 o’clock.

Secondly, by disrespectfully smoking his pipe before his uncle Philip proves his equality with and not his subordination to his uncle.

Thirdly, when Philip asks his uncle to give him an allowance to live independently in some rented house somewhere else till he attains after 2 years his age of 25 years, then his uncle considering him ‘a mere boy’ threatens to blackmail him. At that very moment. Philip retorts.

“If it comes to that, I am 25.”

By making this brave statement, Philip proves himself a mature and responsible man.

Fourthly, by narrating how as a company commander he proved his worth to the. He concludes: “That was when I became 25, or 35 or 45”

Fifthly, on one occasion, Philip warns his uncle not to treat him “like a boy who has just left school.”

Sixthly, his uncle expects from Philip ‘An increased readiness to obey orders and recognize authority” but Philip retorts:

“I had better tell you once and for all that I refuse to go into your turnip and vegetable business.”

Conclusion: To crush his uncle’s “power of the purse” and prolonged bullying behaviours. Philip first takes out a loaded revolver and then a bomb from his pocket and says to his uncle,

“Stand to attention when you talk to an officer”.

If Philip had not taken these steps, he could not prove himself a mature and responsible man.


                             3. Something to Talk about

Q: 1 Bring out the humor in the play. “Something to Talk about.” 2017-18

  • Discuss the play as a comedy?
  • Explain ‘Something to Talk about’ as a pleasant one-act play. 2005

Ans: ‘Something to talk about’ is a light comedy. It can also be called a farcial comedy. Here situations and dialogues are comic to the extent of absurdity. All the characters behave in a very odd manners. They create so much fun with their dialogues and actions. The whole atmosphere of the play is very pleasant. Comedy is a play in which the characters perform different roles for the entertainment of the viewers.

(1)Guy Sydney tells wolf that nothing has ever happened to the Sydney’s. We never run away with other men’s wives. We never get into newspapers. There comes no burglar in their house but only weddings and funerals. The following remarks of a young boy about his family are very funny and humorous.

(2)Lady Redchester enters the stage in a very light mood. She feels no fear in the presence of a world famous burglar and says: “A new sort of Santa Claus”.

(3)Lord Redchester begins to doubt the reality of the wolf and says,

“The wolf comes to our little place! Surely not some imposter pretending to be the wolf”.

(4)When wolf fails to open the safe by using all means. He becomes disappointed and passes funny y remarks about the safe.

“One of these damned Yankee puzzle boxes that make you wish Columbus had never been born”.

(5) At the end of the play, we see a very funny situation when wolf leave Redcheste’s house without taking anything. Upon this Lady Redchester speaks the very funny remarks.  

“He was a dear Santa Claus, after all!”

Conclusion: The story of this play is, no doubt, very funny and humorous. It provides us with a lot of entertainment. It is indeed a farce, a form of a light and delightful comedy.


Q: 2 Discuss the treatment of Sydney’s with the wolf. 2006-2008

  • Wolf is a burglar but ne is being treated by them as guest of honor or VIP? 2011
  • Why do the Sydney’s welcome Wolf in their home? (Something to talk about)?

Ans: Something to Talk About is a comedy. It is an entertaining and humorous one act play. The action of the play takes place at 3, o, clock on Christmas morning.

Wolf is an expert and vigilant thief. He is busy in opening the safe when all the members of Sydney’s family come there. They assure Wolf to have confidence that they will not disturb him, because they are trust-worthy family in England.

(1)Guy the young son of Lord Redchester is very happy to see the burglar in his house and says: “You are manna in the wilderness—-you are indeed”.

He also says that Wolf has made the Christmas very bright. He offers him whisky and soda water.

(2) Lettice, the young girl also entertains the presence of the Wolf. She does not become confused. She remains relaxed and enjoy the situation.

Oh! How brave of him! How thrilling! How do you do. (Shakes Hand)

(3) Lord Redchester, the old man of the house also help and encourages Wolf in his work. He tells him, the password without any fear. He remains confident and does not lose attempt.

(4) Lady Redchester calls Wolf a new sort of Santa Clause. She does not make a noise or scream to see the Wolf in their house like a common woman do.

Conclusion: We can say that Sydney family treats Wolf as a guest of honor and a very respectable person who had provided them a chance of entertainment.


Q: 3 How does Guy make Wolf believe that he will not cheat him? 2005

  • What makes   a trustworthy family? 2007
  • How does Guy Sydney make believe to Wolf that they are trust worthy family?

Ans: The play “Something to talk about; is a comedy. It makes us laugh and get rid of the absurdities found in our society. A rich class has been shown behaving strangely and differently.

Guy Sydney, is a young boy. It is he who finds the Wolf under the roof of his house. He introduces his family in a very dramatic way for the confidence of the burglar. He says that Sydney’s are trust worthy family. So he must feel easy and relaxed in their house.

Firstly, he tells wolf that they never run away with other men’s wives for their money. It means, they have no lust for sex and money.

Secondly, he says that they have never tried to become prominent in the society with their extraordinary deeds. It means, they are a complex free family.

Thirdly, their names have never been published in newspaper. It means, they do not want to show the other people about their family prestige.

Fourthly, Sydney family never had any special incidence in their hunting expeditions. It means they are very careful hunters and good riders.

Fifthly, their life is so simple only the marriage ceremonies and funerals the occasions that they observe.

Sixthly, the members of the Sydney family never tell a lie. They are open minded and honest.

Conclusion: In short, Guy Sydney succeeds in convincing the notorious burglar: Wolf, about the nobility, sincerity and loyalty of the Sydney. Apart from this, he treats to him like a guest of honour or a V.I.P with open arms and not as his enemy. Thus, he makes him believe that he will not cheat him.

Q: 4 The wolf proves to be a sheep in wolf’s clothing. Discuss.


“A sheep in Wolf’s clothing”. Is this remark appropriate to Wolf the

burglar or not?

The wolf was a burglar with different. Discuss. 2012 * If I had father like that I might have been a very different man”.

Ans: Wolf is the central character in the play “Something to Talk About”. He claims to be a world famous burglar. He is also considered a terror in England. He says that he is apt in the art of burglary. No safe is safe from him. Nothing is beyond his reach. He has different channel of information.

 He enters the stage with an electric torch. He has all his instruments of burglary and a revolver with him. When he sees Guy Sydney he orders him to raise his hands and tell him the password to open the safe. He creates a very dreadful situation for Guy. He has come in Sydney’s house to steal their costly gifts from a safe on Christmas morning. Lettice, Lord Redchester’s young and beautiful daughter comes and calls wolf “A lost sheep in wolf’s clothing”.

The wolf of this play is not so cruel and frightening because of his behaviours and treatment with Sydney’s family. He has been called the terror of England. But there is nothing dreadful about him. He also claims to be an expert and skilled burglar. But he is not able to open the safe. It means that he is not the real wolf but the pretended one.

Conclusion: The ideas and behavior of Wolf show him a gentle but circumstances have made him a thief. He seems to be the son of an irresponsible man as he says “if I had father like that I might have been a very different man”. He lifted costly gifts and went away empty handed and proved to be a sheep in wolf clothing.


Q: 5 “The rogues and rulers may both come from the gutter or the palace. Discuss in the light of Wolf’s comment.

“There aim’s no criminal classes any more than virtuous classes.”

“Wolves do change their hair but not their hearts.

Ans: “The play “Something to talk about; is a comedy. It makes us laugh and get rid of the absurdities found in our society. A rich class has been shown behaving strangely and differently.

Wolf was a notorious burglar of London. He entered the house of Lord Redchester on Christmas morning at 3a.m. He was clad in tight fitting. He had a black cap on his head and a black mask over his eyes. He is busy in breaking open the safe. Guy Sydney happens to come there.

Wolf orders him to hands up. Guy is not frightened. He calls his visits to their house a manna in the wilderness. Then all the other members of the family come there. They enjoy seeing wolf at work. Bishop advises wolf to change and become God’s sheep.

Wolf says “Wolves do change their hair but not their hearts.

During the course of the play, Wolf says, “The rogues and rulers may both come from the gutter or the palace.” He is right in his belief. Good and bad people are found in every society. There may be good people in the criminal and bad family.

There may be bad people in a pious and noble family. There may come good and bad people in the palace as well as in the blind alley. That is why, he says “There aim’s no criminal classes any more than virtuous classes.” Both may come of good or bad people.

Conclusion: According to the Wolf, both evil and virtues are present in the same person. Social environment, different circumstances and various opportunities make a man what he is. His philosophical approach is appreciated by lady Redchester.

                                      4. Smoke Screen

0:1: Discuss the relevancy of the title of the play Smoke Screens”.

* What symbolic purpose does the title serve? 2009

* Explain the title of the play.2010

Discuss the title of the play “Smoke Screens.” 2014

Ans: “Smoke Screens” means unclearity. A person who tries to hide his reality by adopting artificial and cunning method is called Smoke Screen. In military term smoke screen is a cloud of smoke behind which one conceals one’s activities from the enemy. The writer has symbolically given this title to the play as all the characters in the play hide their real identity something.

The title, ‘smoke-screens’ has been used in wider sense for the play. Every character in the play is behind the smoke screens. The characters are not what they to be. They have concealed their true identity. They use their outward face as a smoke Screen to hide their inner nature.

(1) Charles is physically handsome and attractive but in reality he is very dirty and insincere husband. He deceives Lucy which result in the separation.

(2) Lucy is a very successful business woman. She has her own status in society. She is busy from morning to evening in her business. But she is not a good mother because, she has no time for her only daughter. She is a smokescreen of a good mother.

(3) John, the famous football player is physically very ugly but in reality he is honest, straight forward, loving and caring young man. Ugly John is smoke screen of a good man.

(4) Primrose the only daughter of Lucy has very independent point of view about life. She is not caring about her character and status. But she is too much conscious of social formalities. She is a smokescreen of an obedient daughter. The title of the play “Smoke screens” is relevant to the story because every character in the play is a smoke screen.

Conclusion: In short, it is true to say that the title suggests that the characters hide their intentions and they are not what they seem. In fact, the playwright is justified to the title smoke screens.

Q: 2 The play “Smokescreens” is about generation gap Do you agree? 2005

Ans: This play beautifully highlights the conflict between the new and old generation. The title of the play “Smoke Screens” means a cloud of smoke produced for hiding some action or activity. It is something that hides a person’s real intentions from others.

The play “Smoke Screens” is very simple but thought provoking: Susan and Lucy are two real sisters but their ideas are different from each other. They have different approach to life but they represent the same generation.

(1)Susan, Lucy’s elder sister is a married women. She is spending a happy life with her husband and children. She is satisfied with her married life. She has arthodoxical ideas about modernism. She does not like Primrose and her modern activities.

(2)Lucy is forty years old woman. She is a liberal minded woman. She does not like to guide her daughter about the affairs of life. According to Lucy life should be spent independently.

(3) The third main character is Primrose. She is a beautiful and attractive young girl of twenty. She has revolutionary own ideas. She goes out with full make and enjoy the company of boyfriends. Apparently she seems to be very foolish but reality, she is very careful and mature. Her approach to life is totally different from her mother. According to her, sincerity plays a vital role in a success married life. The theme of generation gap has been discussed in this play successfully.

Conclusion: The playwright has highlighted the generation gap, an important social problem of his age. The story of the play Smoke Screens highlights the moral of the Victorian life. It is a social comedy. The three main characters represent generations, the conservative, and the liberal and progressive attitude.

Q: 3 How does an independent career is a living protest against the necessity of marriage? 2010

Ans: it is a common thinking that women cannot survive individually in this society. They have to take help from men and marriage is the only institution which legally join women with men. A woman can get social and economic security only after marriage. So she is bound to marry a man.

Lucy married a very handsome man Charles but she divorce him because of his bad character. She decides to spend an independent life. She establishes her taxi cabs business and beat men in their business. She prove to be a very successful business woman without her life partner.

The writer of this play wants to say that women are not inferior to men. They have ability to learn and earn in any field of life. They can spend their life without becoming burden on others. Lucy divorces her husband and establishes her own business of taxicabs and proves to be a living protest against the necessity of marriage.

The writer of this play is inspiring women that they must have their individuality rather becoming a burden on others.

Conclusion: Thus a woman’s independent career is a living protest against the necessity of marriage only on account of the misdeeds of her husband. No wife can tolerate her husband’s relations with other women.

Q: 4 “Life is crook and fights back crooked. Life is fighting back at me

Through Primrose.” 2010

* “It is always a losing game to be a mother.” 2007-2009

Ans: The play, “Smoke-Screens” depicts the themes of individual tussles split families conflicting cultural values, changed concepts of love and generation gap.

Lucy is a forty-year old divorced lady. She got married to a handsome man named Charles Aston out of love, but divorced him as he proved to be an ill-natured -person who had no regard for the aspirations  and happiness of his wife. Now, Lucy is living in dependently in London along with her only daughter, Primrose. She worked day and night and has succeeded in establishing a flourishing taxicab business.

But in spite of her flourishing business, she is not happy. She is broken and shattered she is sad and broken hearted so, she says; “Can anyone fight life successfully? Life is cunning life is crook and fights back crooked. Life is fighting back at me through Primrose.”

She is expecting much of her daughter. Her daughter is the only source of Solace for her. Her sadness becomes pronounced. When her daughter decides to marry against her wishes it is then that she says, “It is always a losing game to be a mother.” So, we can say that Lucy is not happy and satisfied with her life.

Conclusion: In short, Lucy is, like a heroine very bold and courageous. She is self-made. She is industrious She boldly faces the challenges of life. She is a loving mother. She is modern and urbanized but her outlook of life is moderate.

Important Short Questions Of 10th Physics 2022



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