How To Write Reference To Context Of “Othello” in simple and comprehensive words. These paragraphs help the readers to understand theWilliam Shakespeare’ play’s text with its critical approach. As it write below…

Paragraph No: 1

And yet I fear you, for you are fated then,

When your eyes rolls: so why I should fear, I know not.

Since guiltiness I know not, but yet I feel I fear. 

Reference To the Context;

These lines have been selected from the Act V. Sc.II of the play, “Othello” written by William Shakespeare. 


The selective lines under reference are spoken by Desdemona to Othello. These lines are uttered by Desdemona to Othello in a scene in which Othello suspects Desdemona of giving his gifted handkerchief to Cassio by Desdemona, Desdemona persuades Othello not to suspect her so. Later, she swears by her life and soul and says Othello to send for him and ask him. On his suspension, Desdemona gets frightened and utters as she yet feels fear of Othello. She says to him, 

“You are dangerous when your eyes roll like that, I know you to be deadly. I don’know why should l’ be afraid, I have no sense of guilt, vet, I am conscious that I do so.” 

Paragraph No:2

Dangerous conceits, are in their nature poisons

which with a little act upon the blood.

Burn like the mines of sulpher. 

Reference to the Context:

The lines under discussion have been extracted from the renowned and famous Shakespearean play……”Othello”. These selective words have been spoken by Iago to himself.


After having received the handkerchief from the hands of his wife, Iago first regards it as an ordinary and cheap item in his daily routine life. But when he ponders over it in a somewhat serious mood; he starts regarding it as strong evidence or proof almost as reliable and worth as the words of the Holy Bible. He means to say that this handkerchief can perform its crucial or invincible role in confirming what he has been trying to tell Othello. He firmly believes that this item will certainly affect the already changed mind of the Moor deeply. Though he has already decided to shun off his very important but striking ideas as seeming to be distasteful yet all these will severely and strongly be affected by a little stir of finding his handkerchief in his hands. It will affect his emotions and passion as a little stir to one’s blood does. As a result, one’s heart starts burning like the mines of sulphur.

Paragraph No: 3

 I had rather be a toad

And live’ upon the vapour of a dungeon.

Than keep a corner in the thing I love for the others’s uses.

Reference to the Context:

These lines have been taken from the Act-III, Scene III of the play “Othello”, written by William Shakespeare. After finding lago’s sayings and talks wise, honest and loyal, Othello decides that he will discard Desdemona like an untamable hawk if she is found corrupt or guilty. Some of lago’s remarks always irritate Othello’s mind in which he says that Desdemona has made a deceit in the affair of her marriage with him because she kept her love a secret from her father. On the other hand, we see that she seems to be frightened by Othello’s look while she loved him wholeheartedly in the course of the action of the play. 


Here, Othello remembers one of the sayings of Brabantio in which he told Othello to be aware of her because if she could deceive her father, she could also deceive her husband. After thinking so, he also starts condemning and cursing the bond of marriage. He regards this sacred bond of love to a wretched one. He determines that he will never give permission to any third one to participate in his love for fulfilling the sensual desires. If he does permit others to share in his love for fulfilling the sensual and sexual desires then he is like a toad; living in the foul air of a dungeon. 

Paragraph No: 4

Whip me you devils,

From the posssession of this heavenly sight.

Blow me about in winds, roast me in sulphur.

Was me in steep – down gulfs of liquid fire. 

Reference to the Context:

These lines have been taken from the act V, Sc.II of the renowned play “Othello” written by William Shakespeare. The selective lines under discussion are spoken by Othello on being asked by Gratiano. 


How do you look now in this state, Desdemona? O! a girl of ill fate. You are appearing as pale as your one sleeping dress at night. When we will come across on doomsday, this look on your face will throw straight into hell and the devils will certainly seize upon it. You are as cold as your pure virtue. O cursed, person! The devil of hell must lash me severely till I may be deprived of the heavenly gift of eyesight! I want myself to be blown about in the storm and roasted in the ever burning fire of hell. O, Desdemona!” She’s dead, dead, oh dead!

Paragraph No: 5

By heavens, I say my handkerchief in his hand: O Pexjur’d woman, thou dost stone thy heart, And makest me call what I intend to do A murder, which I thought a sacrifice, I saw the handerkerchief.

Reference to the Context:

These lines have been taken from the Act V scene II of the renowned drama, “Othello” authored by William Shakespeare. These selective remarks are uttered by Othello to Desdemona. In this scene, the suspicion between Desdemona and Othello on the issue of handkerchief being gone in the hands of third person (Cassio) comes to its climax (finalization). In spite of Desdemona’s repeated denial of not giving the handkerchief to Cassio as a token of love with her own hands; Othello does not accept her assurance.


In the selective lines under discussion, Othello confidently tells Desdemona swearing by God that he has seen his handkerchief in Cassio’s hands with his own eyes. He calls Desdemona à great liar who has not only deceived but also broken his loveful heart for her. He also calls her a stone hearted woman who is worthy to be murdered right now. He further tells her that her murder will be as a sacrifice (perhaps he thinks her murder as no sin for himself). Once again, he repeatedly says that he has seen the handkerchief in third person’s hand. Later, in the coming scene we see that in spite of Desdemona’s repeated assurances of not giving handkerchief to him with her own hands and begging for the survival of her life one more day, Othello kills her at the spot. 



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