Important topics of Current Affairs CSS; it is the compulsory paper of both CSS and PMS Exams. Formerly, It dealt with conditions and circumstances of all over the World. So, here are the some major and important topics of Current Affairs which contains images, important quotes, fact and figures past papers.
Important topics of current affairs 2022
- COVID – 19 ( 1st & 2nd wave)
- Conflict between China –US (trade, war, strategy, superpower etc.)
- Revolutionary leader a Muhammad Bin Sulaman (KS)
- Broadsheet Pindorabox
- India – China Relation to conflict
- Pak – Russia relation
- Pak – China relation
- Pak – Iran relation
- Pak – Bangladesh relation
- Pak – Afghanistan relation
- Pak – Saudi Arabia relation
- Pak – Turkey relation
- Pak – Qatar relation
- Pak – America relation
- Pak – Britain relation
- Modi Government In India
- 2nd phase of Modi Government
- ISIS 7 Indian terrorism activities In Pakistan
- Killing of Hazara Community
- New Cold War between Russia & US
- PSL season 5 & 6
- Climate changes in world & Pak
- Iran – US conflict
- From Silk To CPEC going on
- Social Media
- Chanel Media
- Tiktok, YouTube & Instagram fashion of the world
- Online Studies & COVID – 19 / Education in COVID -19
- Pak – India LOC
- PDM ( making & Agenda)
- Flaw of traditional government system in Pakistan
- Corruption in Pakistan
- Role of NAB in Pakistan
- Corruption Of Nawaz & PPP government & the slogan of PTI ( naya Pakistan)
- Vaccine of COVID -19
- COVID -19 and WHO
- COVID -19 And Economy of the World
- COVID -19 And Economy of Pakistan
- Multi Pic Lockdown COVID – 19
- 10 Billion tree plantation in Pakistan
- Energy crisis in Pakistan
- Deplorable condition in Karachi
- Ahsas program in Pakistan
The Human Rights Violations of the 9/11