Is Swift A Reformer Or Demolisher In " Gulliver's Travels"?

Is Swift A Reformer Or Demolisher In ” Gulliver’s Travels”?

Is Swift A Reformer Or Demolisher In " Gulliver's Travels"? Some of the critics say that 'Gulliver's Travels' is a neurotic fantasy which means that his work or production is of a...
Swift's Travel To The Laputa In "Gulliver's Travels"

Swift’s Travel To The Laputa In “Gulliver’s Travels”

Swift's Travel To The Laputa is also full of miracles and far fetched ideas and imaginations. Laputa is an island which keeps flying at a height of two miles from the earth...
How Far Successfully Said Presents Ugly Face of Imperialism

How Far Successfully Said Presents Ugly Face of Imperialism?

How Far Successfully Said Presents Ugly Face of Imperialism? A series of lectures that Said delivered on the relationship between culture and empire in the universities in the United States, Canada and...
Russell's Contribution In Prose Writing

Russell’s Contribution In Prose Writing

Russell's contribution to prose writing is a great one. He has written essays on almost all the social, political and religious topics. He has given his precious and thought provoking views for...
Jonathan Swift Satire In "Gulliver's Travels"

Jonathan Swift Satire In “Gulliver’s Travels”

Jonathan Swift satire In "Gulliver's Travels" is depend on two types houmour and serious. As we study any literary work or composition of any writer, poet, novelist, dramatist etc. We come to...