Important References And Explanation of Alexander Pope’s book.
Important References And Explanation NO.1;
Table of Contents

Reference to the Context:
These lines have been extracted from Canto IV of the poem “The Rape of the Lock” written by Alexander Pope. Pope wrote this heroic couplet on a very trivial subject of rape of the lock of Belinda by a barren. Here, Pope explains to us about Belinda’s regret over her loss of a lock of her hair.
Before the cutting of the lock. Belinda was very conscious about look and fashion. But after the loss of her lock, she started imaging that it would be difficult for her to live in a society. It is disgraceful for her among of fashionable and aristocratic men and women.
She also bitterly started regretting and thinking. It would have been better if she had not visited among the young peer barons and men of high-class on that day. Belinda wished to has been remained at any far-off place. Where young barons and peers did not play at Ombre, nor took tea. She farther expressed that she would have been far happier if she had been unseen and unknown in some far-off land. She battery condemned the lure of court life which caused her blot of defaming on her chastity in the form of rape of her hair.
According to her, it was the lure of Hampton court that tempted her to move in the company of young barons. Where everyone is busy to play card game. She longed that if she would have remained at home was best. She said her prayers instead of going out, the whole incident of defame would never have occurred. Besides it, she also remembered the omens in the morning appeared to foretell. The patch-box dropped from her trembling hand thrice; even Poll remained calm, the porcelain jar shook though there was no wind and the lapdog Shock behaved in a quite cruel manner.
In short, we can say that Belinda realized her mistake. It is battery and deeply realizes that if she had taken the omens in the morning so seriously. May she moved consciously in the Whole day. And the all incidents of defaming and loss of lock of hair would never have occurred.
Important References And Explanation NO 2.

Explanation with Reference to the Context:
These selective lines have been taken from Canto III of “The Rape of the Lock” written by Alexander Pope. A deep analysis of these lines shows that the poet describes the effect of the rashness which was implied on the lady’s hair by Lord Petre. As soon as Belinda came to know of cutting the lock of hair from her head, she became mad with anger and rage and expressed her acute temperament of violation. Her eyes became red or full with anger like a live lightning flash. She cried so loudly that even the sky tore to bits by the angry violent and piercing shrieks of the distressed lady. The Pope further says that such kind of louder shrieks could not be listened to even when ladies had lost their husbands or their lapdogs. Nor such kind of louder cries could be sent to the sky even when the ladies bewailed over the fall of costly china vessels which broke into bright and fine particles and mingled with the dust on the ground. Actually, the Pope here is rebuking or criticizing the shallowness of the ladies of aristocratic class of his time; for when, the breakage of a piece of crockery or the death of a favourite lap-dog was as serious as the death of a husband.
Important References And Explanation NO 3.

Reference to the context:
These lines have been selected from the Canto IV of the long narrative poem “The Rape of the Lock” written by Alexander Pope. Most of the time, the action of the poem revolves around the rape of Belinda’s lock by a baren. Belinda being a pretty girl and having curly locks on her head; attracts the attention of young folk. Being a social butterfly, she is very much fond of visiting the public places and gatherings of aristocratic families. One baren becomes an ardent lover of her locks of hair and wants to have one of them at any cost. In his ambition of having it, one day he succeeds in cutting one of the precious locks of Belinda on the day when Belinda pays her regular visit at Hampton-court, a place of public gatherings.
In the selective lines under discussion, Belinda shows her repentance and regret after cutting of her one of the locks by an ambitious barren. She bitterly curses the very day when she went to play her visit at Hampton-court. She calls her Snatched lock as the most beautiful and pretty lock. She further utters her wish by saying that she had been ten time happy and glad she would not have visited the deceiving place on the very ill-day.