Important Topics Of Sociology is the an optional paper of both CSS and PMS Exams. Formerly, It dealt with conditions and circumstances of Society and the people. So, here are the some major and important topics of Sociology CSS which contains images, important quotes, past papers.
Important Topics Of Sociology CSS
1 | Role of sociology in agriculture,health and industry |
2 | Culture and citizen |
3 | Social stratification is an inevitable for pak society |
4 | youth is an asset |
5 | Major work of Robert King Merton |
6 | Objectives of NGOs |
7 | Law of three stages by comte |
8 | Suicide by Durkheim |
9 | Groups contributions in society |
10 | Max weber and Karl Marx views |
11 | Pakistani cultrue nd society |
12 | Social problems |
13 | Feudal system in pak |
14 | Issues of urbanization in pak |
15 | Ibne Khaldoon views |
16 | Forms of social classes |
17 | internal nd external means of society |
18 | Drug Abuse and Crime |
19 | international migration |
20 | Theory of different association |
21 | Division of labour |
22 | Method of data collection |
23 | Environmental and psychological factors |
24 | institution and orginazation in pak |
25 | Bureaucratic forum of government |
26 | Modernization term in pak |
27 | Poerty issue in pak |
28 | Social science |
29 | High divorce rate in pak |
30 | Parole system in pak |
31 | Factions and feude |
32 | Role of C.W Mills in development |
33 | HIV/AIDS in pak |
34 | Biradri system |
35 | Role of mosque |
36 | Security as a social construct |
37 | Term race and racism |