The Epic Poet John Milton writes Paradise Lost at the focal scene the fall of Eve and Adam. Wherein they eat the product of illegal tree because of the enticement of Satan.
Life of John Milton
Table of Contents
John Milton was conceived in London on December 9, 1608, to John and Sara Milton. He had a more seasoned sister Anne, and a more youthful sibling Christopher, and a few kin who passed on before arriving at adulthood.
Milton Famous Works
- Paradise Lost
- Paradise Regained
- L’Allegro And ll Penseroso
Milton’s Grand Style, Epic and Blank verses
An epic has some special traits or dimensions which are normally its grand style, theme, heroic personality of the main figure, adventurous like atmosphere, long narrative style, use of heavenly muse etc. Let us, we discuss Paradise Lost by Milton in the light of above mentioned requirements of a great epic.
Milton’s Paradise Lost (Book 1)
After his discharge from jail, Milton wedded for the third time, this opportunity to Elizabeth Minshull. In 1667, he distributed Paradise Lost in 10 volumes. It is viewed as his most prominent work and the best epic sonnet written in English.
We being the peruses of The Epic Poet John Milton writes Paradise Lost come to think about Satan, who is the most exceedingly terrible adversary of people, chips away at Eve’s intuition and on resolve In the appearance of a snake.
Satan subtly goes into the Garden of Eden and converses with Eve in a way specialist. He depicts the benefits of eating the product of an illegal tree and gives some other certain attractions and allurements of eating the product of this prohibited tree. Eve advances her contentions to Adam that they’ would work more on the off chance that they partition their obligations of work.

- Important References And Explanation
- Renaissance Epic
- Justifying the Ways Of God
- Satan’s View about Man and Woman relationship
- The hero of Milton’s Paradise Lost, Adam Or Satan?
- What are The Reasons Of ‘The Fall of Adam And Eve’